Today was Cardio 1. Finally I can get through the running man. It makes such a difference if I just hold my core strong and tuck my abs in. Amazing. I still work up a sweat doing this cardio but I can get through it all.
After cardio, I went to physiotherapy where I worked on various core and shoulder exercises for 1 hour. It was pretty intense and the muscles in my right arm started shaking and giving out near the end. I wear a heart monitor and do either steps or bicycling to get myself into my optimum heart rate (120 to 144 bpm).
The exercises I am starting out with to rebuild the strength in my upper back/neck/shoulder area are:
Using the machines, I do 3 sets of 12 each:
- leg presses - @ 40kg
- lateral pull downs - @30kg (love these!)
- dips - @30kg
- Back extensions - improves low back strengh
- Reverse fly - strengthens upper back and shoulders and improves posture.
- Rear shoulder raises - improves upper back posture and rear shoulder strength
- Dynamic core mobilization - improves back strength and stability
Looking forward to tomorrow - workout 3 for the last time! Just when I was starting to like it.
I enjoy hearing of your workouts and what you are lifting on the weights. It is sad to drop the cardio, but you will fall right in love with cardio 2 :)